I was sent this link and I think it tells the story quite well.


Eyes T

April 17, 2009


Hey All,

I have a slew of vector goodness that I will be putting up real soon. Definitely tried to step it up from last year quality wise.

Pictured above is a t-shirt that I concepted after seeing a very moving photo of a young Afghan woman. I felt so moved by her eyes, it was almost as if I was able to see through them and look first hand at war. I was so moved that I felt like I needed to just put in on paper so to speak.


Wolf: Finished!

February 22, 2009


Hey Everyone,

The wolf that I showed you earlier is now all blacked out and ready to color. Above is the finished product.


The Latest

February 21, 2009


Hey Everyone,

Above you will see what I have been working on. It is a crazy wolf and I am about 50% done, so hopefully I can finish up this weekend. Also, I have been working on a complete corporate re-branding for Allied 3D locally here in Fort Wayne. And I have been getting some t-shirts together to send over to Design By Humans. And I have just started work with GoMedia on doing a Boyden & Youngblutt WordPress site. GoMedia is total class folks. If you ever have an opportunity to partner on a project with them you will not regret it.


Hey Everyone,

I have finally finished my new site! It has been awhile in the making and you will notice that I changed my logo, identity, and just about anything that could be changed has been. I would especially like to thank Nick Johnson of Pixelrific for some really great custom development on the site, and I would also like to thank Onur Oztaskiran for working with me to really push the envelope on my site. I will be working out any bugs that are being reported over the weekend.

So this is the new Neno Design.



February 5, 2009


Hey Everyone,

If you have been following my blog, you know that I am the Web Director for Boyden & Youngblutt by day. Well, today I was just notified that we won an Addy for one of our web sites that I directed. The winning site is cmdmarine.com. No word yet on what level of Addy we won, but we did definitely win one! Also, get ready because Neno Design is about to change drastically in the coming weeks. Be on the look out for a lot of new stuff.


Goals for 2009

January 20, 2009

Hey Everyone,

So the December rush is offically done and out the door, so now I am following in Jeff Finley’s steps and posting my goals for the blog in 2009 and here they are.

1. Convert all of my past vectors into hi-res photoshop brushes and release in a huge pack

2. Up the quality of vectors that I am making available and post more about jobs I am working on

3. Share more web knowledge

4. Keep more up-to-date on the blog

5. Look further into hosting this myself so that I can do even more.

Also, I have been notified that my winter sports vector pack was included by Smashing Magazine in their Ultimate Collection of Free Vector Packs. I am very honored to once again have some of my work on Smashing Magazine.

I will have that HUGE psd pack done very soon, and there will be a little surprise as well.


December Craziness!

December 11, 2008

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile, I have been insanely busy. I am currently condensing a months worth of work into two-weeks and I am working on other projects as well. I have been getting really busy for web out of no where, and I have been busy getting those final invoices of the year paid. So I have been going crazy! I have a lot of new projects in the wings for 2009 and I will post more about them as they pop up. I will be changing up my site, blog and offerings in 2009. Don’t worry, I will still give away freebies, in fact more of them. This was my first year blogging and it was very fun and interesting. But I have definitely learned more about what I need to be doing and how I need to do it. Very shortly I will have a new vector to post up for free for you guys as well.

Also, if you haven’t checked out my latest vector collaboration then check out VectorTuts, where I worked with Ben Blogged and came up with some fun free tattoo inspired vectors.

Check them out here


So many of you who visit my blog on a regular basis are in the design business to some capacity. And many of you have had various levels of experiences with your clients. Some better, some worse. But I have decided in an effort to better prepare those of you who are still learning and haven’t had a client experience that you would rather forget, to post some of the most off the wall things I have ever had said to me or to other designers. So please feel free to add to the list and lets her the worst of the best!

1. Why do I have to tell you what I want on my website.

2. This is a paying job ( after being 30 days past due on invoice )

3. I am not sure if you can be my designer. YOU don’t look effeminate enough.

4. This job pays overtime in expereince.

5. I need unlimited emails, hosting, a custom CMS, all pages to be tableless, and I can only give you $100. But you will get lots of exposure.

6. Why did you send an invoice? Your supposed to get PAID? ( after having sign the contract, give me the project brief, and agreed to all terms.)

7. Having the client think that I was off speaker phone and saying, “Screen that guys calls, we are not to pay him!” And followed by me just clearing my throught awkwardly. I am pretty sure I heard people quietly chuckling in the background.

8. I will trade you hypnosis for design.

9. Another designer friend of mine was actually prank called by a client that was unhappy that he wouldn’t launch his site without having his final invoice filled.

10. I was offered free drinks and lap dances for a  website trade.

So hopefully none of you have experienced some of the crazy things I have. I find it a little amusing and disturbing that I can actually come up with a top ten list. My loss, your gain. I hope that all of you can learn that no matter your location, skill level, services rendered, and people you deal with, that these things will come out of left field and completely take you back.


Buddha Helmet

September 30, 2008

So I love hockey. I could skate before I could walk, and I have better balance on two blades of steel then on a $140 pair of Nikes! So here is a goalie helmet with the new Buddha design on it. This is actually for a close friend who is going to get a new paint-job assuming that he makes the roster for a pro hockey team in Chicago. It is all vector and the final version will be mocked up using the templates supplied from the paint place, however everything is in psd. and I will have to take my design and give it three dimensions and then seperate it. So the work is just beginning. I will make the blank goalie helmet vector available soon, just in time for the NHL to start up!
