The Latest

February 21, 2009


Hey Everyone,

Above you will see what I have been working on. It is a crazy wolf and I am about 50% done, so hopefully I can finish up this weekend. Also, I have been working on a complete corporate re-branding for Allied 3D locally here in Fort Wayne. And I have been getting some t-shirts together to send over to Design By Humans. And I have just started work with GoMedia on doing a Boyden & Youngblutt WordPress site. GoMedia is total class folks. If you ever have an opportunity to partner on a project with them you will not regret it.


December Craziness!

December 11, 2008

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile, I have been insanely busy. I am currently condensing a months worth of work into two-weeks and I am working on other projects as well. I have been getting really busy for web out of no where, and I have been busy getting those final invoices of the year paid. So I have been going crazy! I have a lot of new projects in the wings for 2009 and I will post more about them as they pop up. I will be changing up my site, blog and offerings in 2009. Don’t worry, I will still give away freebies, in fact more of them. This was my first year blogging and it was very fun and interesting. But I have definitely learned more about what I need to be doing and how I need to do it. Very shortly I will have a new vector to post up for free for you guys as well.

Also, if you haven’t checked out my latest vector collaboration then check out VectorTuts, where I worked with Ben Blogged and came up with some fun free tattoo inspired vectors.

Check them out here



Hey Everyone,

Many of you who know me personally know how much Joshua Smith of Hydro 74 has helped me out in various stages of my design career, and now Josh is putting on a really cool show with PaleHorse in St. Petersburg. It is called the Back in Black T-Shirt Exhibit. Basically, it is a art exhibit for amazing t-shirt designers such as, Hydro 74, PaleHorse, YWFT, Jimiyo, and Munk One to name a few. The coolest thing about this show, is that even if you can’t make it, you can actually purchase your favorite t-shirt through Design By Humans! I encourage any of you who can to go, and who can’t to at least check out the site here.



Hey Everyone,

I hope you all voted. And it looks like you probably did!

I haven’t posted a new freebie in awhile so here is something fresh out of the design pile for ya. These are some skulls and crossbones for a project I was working on. These didn’t get selected so here ya go. Enjoy!

Download Skullz n’ Bones


November 4, 2008


Hey Everyone,

If you are an American, today you likely have one of the most important decisions facing you that you will ever make. Please get out there and vote. I am not going to talk about my choice, but that is the great thing about it… I HAVE A CHOICE! And so do you. So go out there today and use your voice, and make it known. Even if your favorite doesn’t win, you tried, and that is what it is all about.

Here are some voting links that you might find helpful today:

Go vote,


*artwork by Obey Giant

Latest Work

September 29, 2008

Hey Everyone, It has been a really crazy week. I can write more about some of the crazy things later, but I did do a little work. I did a buddha design, to kind of push myself and work on my shadows. So I am pretty pleased with how it turned out but I can see lots of flaws.I am going to work on getting better at hard shadows. As I can develop more pieces I will make them available. Neno

Work In Progress

July 5, 2008

So I have been designing little elements and pieces and parts that I may be able to use later. And basically in an attempt to see how it works I have came up with this most recent design. It is an army helmet on a skull. A friend of mine actually is interested in seeing how this turns out, because he would like it as a tattoo, so I am making sure to keep it simple so that the tattoo artist can really have an easy time doing this ink job. So it has some more to go, but as it progresses I will post pics.


Wow, so this is a shocker. I am still early on in my designing career, and when I was first starting out and learning from everything and everyone I could, I found a really helpful site that I visited daily called VectorVault. A lot of you who visit my blog on a regular basis probably already visit VectorVault already, but if you haven’t checked them out yet, please do so. But what is absolutely awesome and completely out of this world, is that they just contacted me to let me know that so many members have notified them of me, my work, and my blog, that they actually wrote a brief article about my work! It is such an honor to have them like my work that much, because VectorVault was literally one of my cornerstones of design. So all of you members of VectorVault that mentioned me, thank you. And all of you who just enjoy my work and are learning from me, thank you as well.

View Article

Also I have some more awesome news. I have been contacted by an agency who is wanting me to do some designs for some pretty cool brands, amongst them is No Fear. So that will be a rush. Hopefully I will have some more stuff to show you guys soon.

Thanks Again,


My Process

July 1, 2008

I get a lot of questions about how I attack an illustration, and basically I do the same thing that I have done since I was in first grade…. I sketch first. Most designers do, some don’t; it is up to you. But I typically find something that moves me, I shoot it, print it, sketch it, and re-sketch it, until I am happy. Then scan in and fine tune it in Illustrator. And by fine tune, I DO NOT MEAN LIVE TRACE! I mean PEN TOOL!!! I love just going for it and seeing what I can accomplish. Every time I design something there exists a certain amount of uncertainty and you have to just attack it and push yourself, and you never know what you will come up with. Here is a sample of a skull that I am working on right now. It will be VERY grungy and will probably be for a client, but you never know.


Wow! I am very exited about a really great site called Vectortuts. They have a VERY amazing list of tutorials already and in their first Best of Web, my vector flourishes made the cut. I am very honored by the mention and check out some more great tuts and freebies from Vectortuts.

Check Out Article